
Art Groups


Chamber choir "Atžalynas" was founded in 1992. The founder of the choir is Marija Žibūdienė, conductor and professor at Šiauliai University.
At the choir sing students, teachers and music lovers in general. During more than 27 years of activity choir has participated in various international competitions and has won many awards.
The choir not only goes to concerts and competitions in Lithuania and abroad, but also organizes concerts in its own city, participates in city festivals, cooperates and befriends Lithuanian and foreign choirs. Joint concerts are held, choirs from other cities are invited to give concerts in Šiauliai city. Currently the choir is led by Mindaugas Žalalis.
Art director Mindaugas Žalalis. Mob. +370 644 10 404
Concertmaster Marija Kaubrienė.
The choreography studio "Aušrelė", which was founded in 1977, has gathered around 140 dancers from Šiauliai city from age 4 to 18.
The group prepares annual programs (Christmas-New Year, Mother's Day, etc.), creative projects (such as choreographic tales for children "Bembi", "Mary Popins", "Icy Heart", "The Emperor and the Nightingale", musical "Bruknelė"), actively participates in city and country‘s events.
Every year the dancers participate in various festivals and competitions in foreign countries (Spain, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus), where prizes are awarded.
Art director Mindaugas Kosaitis. Mob. 8 686 24 540
Manager of cultural activity Zita Mundinienė. Mob. 8 614 19 562, e-mail:
Assistant to the art director Vita Adomėnaitė-Butnorienė.
Accompanist Maksas Perepečkinas.
Chamber choir "Bičiuliai" was founded in 1990. Stasys Žalalis, professor at Šiauliai University, is the founder of the chamber choir "Bičiuliai". Currently the choir is led by Rita Daukantaitė.
"Bičiuliai" is a mixed adult choir. Its participants are men and women of all ages who love choral music and are willing and able to express themselves through singing. The repertoire of the choir includes songs of Lithuanian and foreign composers, harmonious Lithuanian folk songs, classical and sacred works.
Choir "Bičiuliai" implements various cultural exchange projects both locally and internationally, participates in festivals, celebrations, concerts in Lithuania and abroad.
Art director Rita Daukantaitė. Mob. +370 672 40339
Accompanist Jūratė Deveikytė.

Vocal ensemble "Dainora" was founded in 2007. It is led by Ramutė Majauskienė.
At the ensemble sing women of all ages and professions. The repertoire is dominated by popular songs by Lithuanian and foreign composers.
The ensemble participates in various festivals, competitions and celebrations of the vocal genre music organized in Lithuania, has won many various awards. Members of the ensemble actively partake in the cultural activities of the Rėkyva neighbourhood – they help to organize, sing at the calendar celebrations, commemorations and other events taking place in the Šiauliai Cultural Centre Rėkyva Department.
Art director Ramutė Majauskienė. Mob. tel. +370 686 83 200
Adult Amateur Theater "Durys" was founded in 2013. It is led by Virginijus Dargis.
It is the only adult amateur theater in Šiauliai. Currently in the theater perform 18 people of different ages and professions.
The group participates in Šiauliai city festival "Šiauliai days", Lithuanian song festival, various theater festivals. Three projects "Perform-communicate-live" have been prepared and implemented, co-financed by the Lithuanian Culture Council and Šiauliai City Municipality, and together with artist Reda Uogintienė the project "The Mystery of the Three Kings" was implemented.
The theater has produced 4 performances for which it has received various nominations and diplomas from the Lithuanian National Center for Culture:
"Doors squeak" based on M. Ferm's comedy, artist R. Uogintienė;
"Donja Rosita or the language of flowers," based on a poem by F. G. Lorca, artist O. Pamerneckaite;
"The source" based on D. Dargienė's script, artist A. Uogintas;
"Panorama of condensed milk" based on G. Zeidelis’ play, artist R. Uogintienė.

Art director Virginijus Dargis.

Theater Studio "Gūžta" was founded in 2018. It is led by Lina Jankauskaitė-Peleckienė.
The theater studio is attended by young people who want to gain acting experience and discover and express their true self through theater performances, improvisations, performance staging, discussions, meetings with actors and directors and communication with one another
On January 25th of 2019 the studio presented its first premiere - a one-part performance "Book" by Duncan Battman. Directed by Lina Jankauskaitė-Pelckienė, starring: Elzbieta Girkantaitė, Dorotėja Lanzbergaitė, Veronika Novickaitė, Artur Dmitrijev. Duration - 60 minutes.

Dance studio "Impresija" was founded in 2018. It is led by Inga Širvienė.

Studio is attended by young children from the age of 3 and school-age girls. In the studio children learn the basics of the ballet, experience the joy of dancing and learn to express themselves freely through dance. 

Art director Inga Širvienė. Mob. +370 602 08 250




Folk dance ensemble "Kalatinis" was founded in 1963. It is led by Vanda Verkulienė till 2022. Currently it is led by Evaldas Račkauskas and Indrė Šerpytienė.
Since 1970 the ensemble has participated in all national and worldwide Lithuanian Song Celebrations. It is a multiple winner of the national contest "Couple for a couple". "Kalatinis" actively participates in city events, represents Šiauliai city in Šiauliai county, Lithuania and abroad. In 2006 for artistic achievements "Kalatinis" was awarded "The Golden Bird", which is the highest award for amateur collectives in Lithuania.

Art director Evaldas Račkauskas. Mob. +370 685  15039
Art director Indrė Šerpytienė. Mob. +370 670  11253
Accompanist Vida Narutavičienė.
Concertmaster Sandra Giedrė.


Vocal studio "Rokoko" was founded in 1987.  It is led by Rasa Kauneckaitė.
Studio is attended by children, young people and adults - everyone here can find musical and social space close to their heart. The principle of studio’s work with children – through play to music, through music to the joy of self-discovery. Children here are encouraged to enjoy musical process. Studio tries to nurture children’s communication and collaboration skills, helps to discover and foster their personal qualities: self-confidence, creativity, responsibility. Studio is also attended by adults, which tends to sing during St. Mass and other occasions in the church and other events.
Vocal studio "Rokoko" regularly participates in various events and celebrations, organized in Šiauliai and other cities, has given concerts in Latvia, Finland, Estonia, USA and Germany.
The creative biography of studio is quite rich: four times studio won LRT song contest "Dainų dainelė", has won many prizes in various national contests. Studio released 5 music albums, whose songwriter is Rasa Kauneckaitė, art director of the studio.
Art director Rasa Kauneckaitė. Mob. 8 682 11720

Folk ensemble "Sidabrinė gija" was found in 1983. In the beginning the ensemble functioned as elderly people club in which members sang, travelled and spent their leisure time together. In 1992 "Sidabrinė gija" was registered as folk ensemble and its art director became Vita Taučienė-Rezgienė.

The chosen goal and direction of ensemble is the promotion of Lithuanian folk art and its traditions, preservation and transmission of ethnic heritage. Members of choir learn folklore songs and dances, collect folklore, cherish Lithuanian folk customs and traditions and passes them on to the growing generation.

The repertoire of the ensemble consists of folk songs, dances, circles, stories and sayings. The ensemble has storytellers, who tell stories in dialect. The members of ensemble know about 15 dances, many circles, sings songs from different regions.

More than 20 folklore lovers attend the ensemble. It is a group of older people (over 60 years) who like to sing, dance, tell stories in dialect, play instruments and actively participate in events.

The ensemble participates in various celebrations and festivals, organized in Šiauliai city and region, national song contests and other national events.

Art director Vita Taučienė-Rezgienė. Mob. 8 685 70 579


Choir "Tremtinys" was founded in 1989. At that time, it was formed for former exiles and political prisoners. Now it is led by Romualdas Pečeliūnas.

Every year on June 14, the Day of Mourning and Hope, choir members sing near the railway ramp – the location where the deportation of Šiauliai residents in 1941 took place. Each year on the first Saturday of August, the choir participates in a gathering of Lithuanian exiles, political prisoners and freedom fighters in Ariogala. Over the years "Tremtinys" has performed in various factories, concert halls and other places.  Choir performs at the events, related to the exile, festivals, celebrations, which are organized in Šiauliai and other cities.

Choir "Tremtinys" has been around for more than 30 years. During those years many songs and religious hymns were learned and many concerts were held. Choir communicates and organizes joint concerts with exile choirs from Kėdainiai, Kuršėnai, Mažeikiai and others. The choir is currently attended by 25 seniors, about 80 years old on average, most of them ex-exiles or their relatives.

Art director Romaldas Pečeliūnas mob. +370 699 08 303.
Accompanist Stanislovas Vedeckis.


Folk dance group "Vajaunas" was found in 2002. It is led by Romualdas Laugalis.
The group participates in various national contests, festivals and celebrations and is a regular participant of the amateur art festival "Autumn Mosaic". The group has repeatedly participated in national song festivals, attended television show and represented Lithuania in various festivals and competitions abroad: Great Britain, France, Portugal, Italy, Holland, Thailand, Nepal, India and Spain. The group has won several prizes from different contests and competitions.
Art director Romualdas Laugalis. Mob. 8 615 76739
Accompanist Rimvydas Ališauskas.

Chamber choir "Vasara" is led by Kornelijus Luotė. Choir is an active participant in the musical life of Šiauliai city.

Choir "Vasara" visited many cities and villages of Lithuania and performed in various concert halls and churches. It participated in all the national song festivals of the last decades in Vilnius and has given several concerts in Latvia and Norway.  

The choir rehearsals are attended by men and women of all ages. It is an amateur choir, so most singers do not know the musical writing, but have a strong desire to sing together. The choir's repertoire includes original songs by Lithuanian and foreign composers, folk songs, secular and church music, mass.

Art director Kornelijus Luotė. Mob. 8 674 18596
Accompanist Rita Ragauskaitė.

Updated: 2024-07-09 10:53