Choreography studio "Aušrelė" is one of the oldest collectives of the Šiauliai Cultural Center, founded in 1962, in the Šiauliai City Culture House (currently the Šiauliai Culture Center). Back then, it was a children's expressive dance group - a ballet circle. The founder and leader of the collective is actress, dancer and teacher Ona Gerasimienė (1924-2010). In 1977, under the leadership of one of Ona Gerasimiene's students, Liudmila Galanceva (1953-2001), the collective was given the name of the choreography studio "Aušrelė". Since 2001 the studio is led by Mindaugas Kosaitis and Vita Adomėnaitė-Butnorienė and cultural activities manager Zita Mundinienė. Together, they can be proud of training more than one and a half hundred young dancers (ages 4-18).
In the studio, children learn the basics of contemporary, character dance and ballet. Here, not only is their self-expression and body plasticity developed, but they also spend time actively, communicating with like-minded people. Every year, the dancers present new dance performances to the audience, which the children demonstrate not only in Šiauliai, but also at various festivals, celebrations, competitions or national events held not only in other Lithuanian cities, but also in foreign cities. Studio "Aušrelė" has visited several European countries: Spain, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Croatia, Ukraine, etc., from which they returned with a full range of international awards and evaluations.
Choreography studio "Aušrelė" is constantly looking for new creative discoveries, which surprise and delight both young and elderly fans of dance performances on stage. The studio has created and presented the musicals "Bruknelė" (eng. "Little Lingonberry") (2003), "Mergelė uogelė" (eng. "Little Berry Girl") (2017) and choreographic fairy tales for children: "Bembis" (eng. "Bambie") (2001), "Imperatoriaus lakštingala" (eng. "The Emperor's Nightingale") (2002), "Merė Poppins" (eng. "Marry Poppins") (2005), "Ledinė širdis" (eng. "The Ice Heart") (2008), "Žibuoklių istorija" (eng. "The Story of Violets") (2011), "Raganiukė" (eng. "The Little Witch") (2013), "Coliukė" (eng. "Little Girl") (2015), "Svečiuose pas pasaką" (eng. "Guests at the Fairy Tale") (2021), "Sena sena istorija" (eng. "Old Old Story") (2023).
The choreography studio "Aušrelė" organizes the international dance festival-competition "Aušrinė žvaigždė" every year, which is a great gift to the society of Šiauliai city and county. Every year, the most talented dancers from various parts of the world decide to participate in the festival-competition, who reveal the national identity of their country to the commission and the audience in the language of dance.
Accompanist Vilma Begonienė
Dance studio "Impresija" was founded in 2018. It is led by Inga Širvienė.
Art director Inga Širvienė. Mob. +370 602 08 250
Art director Evaldas Račkauskas. Mob. +370 685 15039
Art director Indrė Šerpytienė. Mob. +370 670 11253
Accompanist Vida Narutavičienė.
Concertmaster Sandra Giedrė.
Folk ensemble "Sidabrinė gija" was found in 1983. In the beginning the ensemble functioned as elderly people club in which members sang, travelled and spent their leisure time together. In 1992 "Sidabrinė gija" was registered as folk ensemble and its art director became Vita Taučienė-Rezgienė.
The chosen goal and direction of ensemble is the promotion of Lithuanian folk art and its traditions, preservation and transmission of ethnic heritage. Members of choir learn folklore songs and dances, collect folklore, cherish Lithuanian folk customs and traditions and passes them on to the growing generation.
The repertoire of the ensemble consists of folk songs, dances, circles, stories and sayings. The ensemble has storytellers, who tell stories in dialect. The members of ensemble know about 15 dances, many circles, sings songs from different regions.
More than 20 folklore lovers attend the ensemble. It is a group of older people (over 60 years) who like to sing, dance, tell stories in dialect, play instruments and actively participate in events.
The ensemble participates in various celebrations and festivals, organized in Šiauliai city and region, national song contests and other national events.
Art director Vita Taučienė-Rezgienė. Mob. +370 685 70 579
The national dane group "Šėvulis" was founded in 2016 in Šiauliai. The founders of the collective are dancers themselves, whose children danced folk dances and infected their parents with dance so that the latter decided to take over the baton from the children. The children left home, some to study, some to travel around the world, and the parents chose to dance in pairs, so the group existed as a private dance group for 8 years. One of the values of "Ševulis" is the family, and the uniqueness is the active leisure time of family couples and families. The first and so far the only leader of the collective is Greta Šveikauskaitė.
The year 2024 is very significant for the national dance collective "Šėvulis". For the first time, she participated in the Lithuanian song festival celebrating the 100th anniversary "Kad giria žaliuotų" dance day "Amžių tiltais" and from September she joined the ranks of art collectives of Šiauliai city cultural center.
The values of the collective are freedom, nationalism, family. The collective's goals are to improve, foster nationalism, actively participate in performances, festivals, competitions, city celebrations, and build friendly relations with other collectives in Lithuania and around the world. Each new dance season enriches the collective with evaluations, prize places, appearances at festivals, competitions, auditions, generous creative projects, new acquaintances, fostered friendships, and cooperation with other collectives. The dance team is still wildly young and very friendly, fun, creative.
The word "Šėvulis" is a dialect word used to mean a match. For the members, this name is important because they are burning with the desire to dance and like real matches they want to ignite others' love for national dance, song, and Lithuanian traditions.
Art director Greta Šveikauskaitė
Mob. +370 689 32 379
Art director Ginta Palujanskienė.
Accompanist Stanislovas Vedeckis.
The folk ensemble "Vijolė" was founded in September 2024. The group consists of adult folk music enthusiasts. The ensemble is filled with a spirit of community, which has historically brought people together through dance and song.
Director Arūnas Stankus
The duo actively participates in competitions, concerts and celebrations, as well as organizes performances at events organized by the Šiauliai Cultural Center.
During the years of existence, the duo of Sandra and Alfonso Giedrė has won several awards or won final place in competitions such as: "Silver Voices" competition of vocal ensembles and soloists, festival-competition of Lithuanian vocal ensembles "Šilų aidai", festival of vocal ensembles "Spring Tunes" or amateur arts festival "Autumn Mosaic".
Register of Legal Entities,
Registration code 302296711
Aušros av. 31, LT-76300 Šiauliai
Tel. +370 655 255 18
Office working hours:
Monday to Thursday 8.00–17.00
Friday 8.00–15.45
Lunch break 12.00–12.45
Box office hours:
Monday to Friday 9.00–18.00
Saturday to Sunday 1 hour before event
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