
On July 6th - smetonian fun in Šiauliai

In 2023 July 6th in Šiauliai, the day of Statehood (the coronation of King Mindaugas of Lithuania) and the National Anthem was celebrated, which was marked by a solemn commemoration and the ceremony of raising the flag of the Republic of Lithuania in "Prisikėlimas" Square. After the celebrations - a time travel to interwar Šiauliai - the educational event of the living history of the city "Smetoniškos Mindauginės", which has become a tradition, took place in Saulės Laikrodis Square. The guests of the celebration had a meaningful time, participated in fun activities that reminded and introduced the history of the country. State Day was crowned at 9 p.m. by singining the "National Anthem".
The organizer - Šiauliai Cultural Center. The project was financed by the Lithuanian Culture Council and Šiauliai City Municipality. Informational sponsors: media group "Etaplius", "Šiaulių kraštas", "Saulės radijas", "Miestos naujienos", "Owexx", "Šiaulių televizija".

On July 6th the day of Statehood (the coronation of King Mindaugas of Lithuania) and the National Anthem started with St. Mass of St. Apostles Peter and Paul Cathedral of Šiauliai. 12 o'clock in "Prisikėlimas" Square, residents of Šiauliai and guests of the city started the commemoration with a solemn ceremony of raising the flag of the Republic of Lithuania. The festive mood was created by the Šiauliai Wind Orchestra (artistic director and conductor S. Vaičiulionis, conductor G. Brūzga) and the folk dance ensemble "Kalatinis" of the Šiauliai Cultural Center (artistic directors I. Šerpytienė, E. Račkauskas). While the chamber choir of the Šiauliai Cultural Center "Atžalynas" (artistic director M. Žalalis) sang the Lithuanian national anthem, this year the flag of the Republic of Lithuania was raised by a pair of dancers from the folk dance ensemble "Kalatinis" of the Šiauliai Cultural Center (artistic directors I. Šerpytienė, E. Račkauskas).

"The most important achievement of King Mindaugas is a united Lithuania, which survived despite historical challenges. Today we have something to remember and to be proud of - we have our country. Today, we can be proud of its freely fluttering flag and the sounding of the national anthem", said the inviter of the event.

Immediately after the solemn flag-raising ceremony, the guests invited to line up in the procession and immerse themselves in a journey through time, which allowed us to travel to the vivid historical period of Šiauliai - the interwar period - the educational event of the living history of the city "Smetoniškos Mindauginės", which is organized every two years. At Saulės Laikrodis Square, residents of Šiauliai and guests of the city had a unique opportunity to remember the spirit of "Smetona", which was conveyed by fun and interesting entertainment.

Visitors of the celebration visited a kindergarten, an elementary school, and a wrestling club. They got acquainted with military equipment and weapons and participated in the "Smetoniškas tiras". The Šiauliai tuntas of the Šiauliai Region of the Lithuanian Scouts taught the secrets of tying knots and lighting a fire. Throughout the day, visitors to the town were invited to enjoy interwar films, take pictures in the photo studio, visit the potter's and leather workshops, the "Valerijonas" pharmacy, the court, the post office and the police station. Shops and bakeries were opened all day in the town, where guests of the town could buy whatever their heart desired, from cheese to sweet cakes, at affordable prices.

In the town there were not only educational spaces, there was no lack of bustle and good mood too, which was spread by the folk dance ensemble "Kalatinis" of the Šiauliai Cultural Center (artistic director I. Šerpytienė, E. Račkauskas), the romance group "Ašalia" of the Joniškis Cultural Center (director R. Kipšaitė-Balčiūnienė), dance group "Vita Dance" (director V. Adomėnaitė-Butnorienė), music groups "The Ditties", "Rolling Box Band" and the Šiauliai Wind Orchestra (artistic director and conductor S. Vaičiulionis, conductor G. Brūzga) and a musical program by soloist Dainot Varnas.

Authenticity was given to the event by witty and humorous live performances, which were presented by a group of professional actors together with Šiauliai Cultural Center's adult amateur theater "Durys" (artistic director V. Dargis), theater studio "Gūžta" (artistic director L. Jankauskaitė-Peleckienė) and Šiauliai School of Arts "Kompanija šauni" (art director D. and V. Dargiai) as actors. The guests of the town admired such live images as "The arrival of President Antanas Smetona. Big Day", "Hot Hearts - Weak Hands", 'Who Knocked on My Variegated Granary", "Who's Themis?", "Side Effects" and "Secret Secured".

The visitors of the interwar town of Šiauliai were treated to a novelty - the group "Šypsena" of the Šakių cultural center's circus department presented an unforgettable performance. The young circus artists demonstrated flexibility, breathtaking aerial acrobatics, unicycle performances and balancing.

One of the most important highlights of the State Day was the universal singing of the "National Anthem" together with Lithuanians all over the world, which took place at 9 p.m. local time.

The information is provided by Asta Vaitkienė, Head of the Event Organization Department of the Šiauliai Cultural Center, mobile. +370 671 42 901, e-mail

Liubov Yarmoshenko's and Rolandas Parafinavičius photos.

Atnaujinta: 2023-07-11 08:51