Šiauliai Culture Center's chamber choir "Atžalynas" (artistic director Mindaugas Žalalis) has been active for more than three decades. Choral music lovers who visit the collective are in a good mood during rehearsals, they are constantly looking for new musical discoveries and can boast a wide repertoire. The choristers perform both arranged Lithuanian folk songs, songs by Lithuanian and foreign composers, and sacred hymns. The beauty of the latter is especially revealed in church acoustics, so in the interlude the chamber choir invites you to the "Silent Christmas Night" concert.
Šiauliai Culture Center's Chamber Choir "Atžalynas" began its activity in Šiauliai St. Ignacas Lojola Church choir, so it is symbolic that a Christmas concert is organized here. It is not only the continuation of traditions, but also the legacy that we give to the next generations, giving them a colorful cultural heritage. Let every chord sounded uniquely in this concert bring us even closer to the past, present and future", says the director of the Šiauliai Cultural Center Deimantė Bačiulė.
Šiauliai St. Ignacas Lojola Church after St. The free concert of the mass and unforgettable moments with the sound of magnificent music will be given by the Šiauliai Culture Center's chamber choir "Atžalynas" (artistic director Mindaugas Žalalis), as well as the talented trio "Pasteliniai garsai" (Eglė Žalalienė (soprano), Jūratė Rastaitienė (flute) will enhance the beauty of live music and Irina Tautkuviene (piano).
Mindaugas Žalalis, the artistic director of Šiauliai Culture Center's chamber choir "Atžalynas" and the whole team are diligently preparing and eagerly waiting for the concert. "It is a time when sacred traditions turn into living stories, and every custom is like a ray of light that spreads the festive spirit and sense of community. We hope that this concert will uplift everyone who is close to the choral music played in the church and that everyone will take away from it a piece of the magic of the festive miracle", says M. Žalalis.
A new program has been prepared for the solemn holiday concert, which will feature well-known hymns and songs of the Christmas period. "Silent Night", "Christmas", "Tear of God", "About the Light" and other works will tell about kindness, Christmas joy, angels, baby Jesus Christ and other symbols characteristic of this period. In the church, music sounds differently - noble, majestic and professional, so live musical instruments and voices at a concert will open up a special musical world that will inspire new, undiscovered experiences.
The marathon of Christmas and New Year's events will continue until the beginning of January. The entire program can be found on the websites of Šiauliai Cultural Center (www.siauliukc.lt) or Šiauliai City Municipality (www.siauliai.lt).
The information is provided by Aušra Brijūnienė, head of the amateur art department of the Šiauliai Cultural Center, mobile. +370 655 25 527, e-mail Mr. ausra.brijuniene@siauliukc.lt.
Photo by Roland Parafinavičius.
Juridinių asmenų registras,
kodas 302296711
Aušros al. 31, LT-76300 Šiauliai
Tel. +370 655 255 18
El. p. info@siauliukc.lt
I–IV 8.00–17.00 val., V 8.00–15.45 val.
Pietų pertrauka 12.00–12.45
Kasos darbo laikas: I–V 9.00–18 val.
VI–VII 1 val. prieš renginį.
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