
Inspired by freedom, Šiauliai will host events dedicated to February 16

In 2024 February 16 Šiauliai will celebrate the day of the restoration of the state of Lithuania. Making sense of a date of national importance will encourage remembering the path to freedom, so the various events and initiatives that have started in the city of Sun since February 7 will reach their finish this Friday. The patriotism of the people of Šiauliai and the guests of the city will be increased by sensual concerts, a poetry event, an excursion, a public lecture, and readings of texts by Lithuanian poets. It is expected that the events giving meaning to the historical victories will bring together different generations in one place and nurture the historical memory.
The organizer - Šiauliai City Municipality, Šiauliai Cultural Center. Events are free.

106 years ago, in 1918, Lithuania's path to freedom began. On February 16, twenty signatories of the Council of Lithuania signed the most important document of that period - the Act of Independence of Lithuania. This document restored statehood, democracy and allowed the development of cultural and political freedom. By severing any former state relations with Russia and Germany, we proved that we are strong and independent, and the created foundation of independence became a signpost to the new Lithuania.

"The Day of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania is a special holiday in the heart of every Lithuanian. Our Lithuania, traditions and values were born on this day. On February 16th, let's meet at events and together show how important Lithuania is to us", - Šiauliai Mayor Artūras Visockas invites to celebrate the national holiday.

In order to remember and give meaning to the day of the restoration of the state of Lithuania, events will be organized in Šiauliai for more than a week. "February 16 is one of the most significant historical dates for our country. This is the day of the strong and invincible spirit of the compatriots to follow the path of freedom. I believe that everyone, raising the tricolor flag in their yard, remembers the great victories that changed the country's destiny. Let's celebrate this day, let's participate in the events. Let the undying stubbornness and determination of our luminaries become an inspiration to protect freedom", - says Daina Kinčinaitienė, head of the Culture Department of the Šiauliai City Municipality Administration.

On the eve of the Day of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania, February 15 at 6 p.m. In the Chamber Hall of the Šiauliai Culture Center, a traditional concert promoting Lithuanianness "Lithuanians are we born" will be held (entry will be by invitation only). The festive mood of the event will be created by the musical performances of Šiauliai city and guests from the Šiauliai region, and the performance of patriotic songs.

The celebration of the Day of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania on February 16 will traditionally begin in Resurrection Square, where after St. Mass, 12 o'clock there will be a flag raising ceremony. This year, the flag will be raised by the former mayor of Šiauliai, long-time member of the City Council, politician and public figure Vytautas Juškus.

The theatrical musical program "Signatarai. A photo for a long memory". Actors of the Šiauliai State Drama Theater and Naisii Summer Theater, members of amateur art collectives of the Šiauliai Cultural Center will be the heroes of the historical moment staged in the main town square. The participants of the event will be delighted by the Šiauliai Wind Orchestra (artistic director and conductor S. Vaičiulionis, conductor G. Brūzga) and soloist, owner of a powerful voice Juozas Janužas. It is hoped that the festive event will not only encourage people to be proud of their country's history, but will also make it possible to remember that independence should be cherished and protected.

It will also be possible to celebrate the state in the Great Concert Hall of the Šiauliai Cultural Center. At the "Motherland's Colors" concert, love for Lithuania will spread through dance traditions that have been nurtured for years. The audience will be greeted by the collectives of Šiauliai city with their colorful choreographic masterpieces. Event entry with invitations.

The interpretation of the important date for the state will continue at Šiauliai St. In the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, where the Šiauliai Chamber Orchestra "Camerata Solaris" (artistic director and conductor V. Čepinskis), the Šiauliai State Chamber Choir "Polifonija" (artistic director and chief conductor L. Balandis) will give a festive performance to the compatriots. soloists Aurelija Stasiulytė (mezzo-soprano), Juozas Janužas (tenor), Paulius Prasauskas (bass).

On February 16, the townspeople will have the opportunity to participate in the Šiauliai "Aušras" Museum's Chaim Frenkel villa-museum at the meeting of the member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, military historian prof. Valdas Rakutis' public lecture "Šiauliai in the years of the First World War and Independence Struggle: 1914-1923", folk ensemble "Salduvė" concert "Oi, dyga auga" and readings of Lithuanian poets' texts, which will be held in Šiauliai city cultural center "Laiptų galerija".

It will be possible to celebrate the Day of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania by participating in other activities. Exhibitions, education, and excursions will be waiting for Šiauliai residents and city guests here, which will remind them of the meaning and significance of the historic day. On the festive day, February 16, traveling by city public transport will be much more interesting, because from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. the poetry campaign "Independence Route" will take place on the buses: the lines of M. Martinaitis, J. Marcinkevičiaus, J. Krikščiūnas-Jovaras, A. A. Jonynas and other Lithuanian poets will be read by Drama Theater actors Monika Šaltytė, Nomeda Bėčiūtė, Juozas Bindokas, Josifas Baliukevičius.

The entire program of events can be found on the websites of Šiauliai Cultural Center ( or Šiauliai City Municipality (

The information is provided by Asta Vaitkienė, Head of the Event Organization Department of the Šiauliai Cultural Center, mobile. +370 671 42 901, e-mail

Photo by L. Yarmoshenko and R. Parafinavičius.

Atnaujinta: 2024-02-14 10:14