
On February 16, the moment of signing the historical document was recreated in Šiauliai

In 2024 On February 16, the day of the restoration of the state of Lithuania was celebrated in the main square of Šiauliai. The event, which took place in the heart of the city of Saulė, began with a solemn ceremony of raising the Tricolor, after which the people of Šiauliai and the guests of the city awaited the theatrical musical program "Signatarai. A photo for a long memory". Making sense of a date with national significance reminded the gathering not only of the historical day, but also fostered patriotism.
The organizer - Šiauliai City Municipality, Šiauliai Cultural Center.

The celebration of the Day of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania traditionally began on St. Mass at in the Cathedral of the St. Apostles Peter and Paul. Immediately after them, the flag bearers accompanied by the Šiauliai Wind Orchestra (artistic director and conductor S. Vaičiulionis, conductor G. Brūzga) entered Resurrection Square. During the festive commemoration, to the sound of the national anthem of Lithuania sung by soloist Juozas Janužas, the former mayor of Šiauliai, long-time member of the City Council, politician and public figure Vytautas Juškus ceremoniously raised the national flag.

The mayor of Šiauliai, Artūras Visockas, greeted the gathered residents of Šiauliai: "It's unbelievable what we are creating today. When we sing the national anthem in such large numbers from the oldest to the youngest, it means that Lithuania is very strong. It is strong historically and that strength is created by people. I congratulate you all on a wonderful holiday uniting Lithuania. Happy February 16", - said A. Visockas.

The event was crowned by the theatrical musical program "Signatarai. A photo for a long memory". Here, in the main town square, the actors of the State Drama Theater of Šiauliai, the Naisii Summer Theater and the members of amateur art groups of the Šiauliai Cultural Center recreated the moment of signing the most important document of that period - the Act of Independence of Lithuania - after which the witnesses of the event were photographed.

In the commemoration of the Day of the Restoration of the State of Lithuania, musical pieces performed by the Šiauliai Wind Orchestra (artistic director and conductor S. Vaičiulionis, conductor G. Brūzga) and soloist Juoz Januža were played, which reminded the audience not only of the winding and challenging history of the country, but also infused love and faith in the strength of their state.

The people of Šiauliai and guests of the city can celebrate February 16 by participating in sensual concerts, a poetry event, an excursion, a public lecture, reading texts by Lithuanian poets, visiting free exhibitions and museums. The entire program of events can be found on the websites of Šiauliai Cultural Center ( or Šiauliai City Municipality (

The information is provided by Asta Vaitkienė, Head of the Event Organization Department of the Šiauliai Cultural Center, mobile. +370 671 42 901, e-mail

Photo by Rolandas Parafinavičius.

Atnaujinta: 2024-02-19 11:28