
"The Night of the Ladybugs. St. John's day"

In 2024 June 23 The most magical summer holiday - St. John's Day - will be celebrated in Zubovų Park.


June 23 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.

St. John's rites, meeting the participants at the gate of the transformation of the Sun, cupping, divination from domes, weaving wreaths and performing rituals.

Concert of non-traditional folklore groups "Electro Folk" and "Dram Bam Burtai".

The magic of the glittering park.

The organizer is Šiauliai City Municipality. The organizer is the Šiauliai Cultural Center. Informational sponsors: "Owexx", "Miestos niaveinos", "Etaplius", "Saulės radijas".

Atnaujinta: 2024-06-20 09:45