The commemoration of the Day of Mourning and Hope began at the Šiauliai City Municipality, where a minute of silence was held to honor the victims of mass deportations. Immediately after that, the commemoration and honoring of deportees and political prisoners took place "The memory will not be banished". Organizations, institutions and individuals of the city of Šiauliai read aloud the last name of each deportee and invited them to remember their cruel fate.
The commemoration moved to the railroad ramp, where innocent residents were once herded into cattle cars and deported abroad. The event traditionally began with the singing of the National Anthem, followed by a minute of silence to honor the victims of the occupation.
"We celebrate and hope for a certain humanity, victory over brutality, against encroachment on other people's basic values. Today, none of us are alone, because we have unity, which is the great value of today. Let's live in values, let's live with hope in our hearts, let's support each other", said Artūras Visockas, Mayor of Šiauliai.
The event was also attended by former exiles who shared their memories of exile. The stories, full not only of pain and loss, but also of unbreakable will and hope, touched the hearts of more than one event participant.
"Exile touched almost every family, brought a lot of pain, a lot of loss and suffering. What they were exiled for, why they were exiled - no one could answer. However, they were exiled because Lithuanians loved their land very much, they loved their homeland, they loved their fields, they loved their people, their trees, gardens, flowers, their rivers and lakes. But we had hope, faith, which did not allow us to give up even in the most difficult moments - we remained human with hope", Valerija Jokubauskienė, chairperson of the Šiauliai branch of the Union of Political Prisoners and Exiles of Lithuania, shared her memories and added that such events should be remembered, because wounds heal when they are name
At the solemn event, the heart fluttered with the sound of military and historical pieces, which reminded us of the inexhaustible strength of the nation's spirit. The concert program was presented by singer Rasa Serra and musician Ingrida Spalinskaitė-Kurienė, as well as the Šiauliai Cultural Center Choir "Tremtinys" (artistic director R. Pečeliūnas). The event was hosted by actress Virginija Kochanskytė.
The commemoration was concluded by St. Mass and concert "Mother's Prayer" Šiauliai St. in the Cathedral of the Apostles Peter and Paul. The event featured sensual songs and music dedicated to the memory of the victims of exile, donated by the Šiauliai city concert institution "Saulė".
The celebration of the Day of Mourning and Hope in Šiauliai reminded us that freedom is not something to be taken for granted, it should be cherished and those who fought for it should be remembered.
The information is provided by Asta Vaitkienė, Head of the Event Organization Department of the Šiauliai Cultural Center, mobile. +370 671 42 901, e-mail
Liubov Yarmoshenko's photo.
Juridinių asmenų registras,
kodas 302296711
Aušros al. 31, LT-76300 Šiauliai
Tel. +370 655 255 18
El. p.
I–IV 8.00–17.00 val., V 8.00–15.45 val.
Pietų pertrauka 12.00–12.45
Kasos darbo laikas: I–V 9.00–18 val.
VI–VII 1 val. prieš renginį.
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