Thirty-five years ago, we restored freedom. March 11, 1990, became proof of our determination and desire to live in an independent Lithuania. The Supreme Council of Lithuania legally abolished the annexation and established independence with five signed documents. Thus, our state became the first of the three Baltic states to open a new page in its history.
“The state is created by the nation. It is the engine of our country. Let love for Lithuania be an incentive to live. After all, the feeling of Lithuania is in all of our hearts,” says Šiauliai City Mayor Artūras Visockas.
On March 11, a multitude of events await the residents of Šiauliai and guests of the city. The celebration of the Day of the Restoration of Lithuania’s Independence in Šiauliai will traditionally begin with a Holy Mass, which will be celebrated at 11 a.m. in the Cathedral of St. Apostles Peter and Paul.
On the anniversary of the Day of the Restoration of Lithuania’s Independence, the tricolor march “Lithuania in Our Hearts,” organized for the twelfth year, will sweep through the main streets of Šiauliai City. From Šiauliai Arena at 11:15 a.m. The march will be attended by the youth of Šiauliai city – high school and junior high school students carrying an impressive 300-meter national flag. The organizers of the event – the 6th team of the Prisikėlimas District of the National Defense Volunteer Forces and the Šiauliai Cultural Center – are pleased that this march is gaining more and more popularity every year. It is planned that this year over 1,500 Šiauliai residents will carry the flag. We would like to point out that individuals are invited to meet the participants of the march on Jonas Jablonskios and Tilžės streets, in Prisikėlimas Square. The march will be accompanied and the festive mood will be provided by the Šiauliai Wind Orchestra (artistic director S. Vaičiulionis, conductor G. Brūzga).
The 35th anniversary of the restoration of Lithuania’s independence will be marked by a solemn ceremony of raising the Lithuanian national flag, which will traditionally begin at 12:00 in Prisikėlimas Square. This year, the tricolor will be raised by Goda Jokubauskaitė, a 4th grade student of Šiauliai Simonas Daukantas Engineering Gymnasium, the winner of the 1st place in the municipal (II) stage of the 34th Lithuanian Schoolchildren's History Olympiad. At the event, the Šiauliai "Romuvos" Gymnasium choir "Bene Notes" (conductor A. Kardašienė) will present works promoting Lithuanian identity. It is hoped that the feeling of community born in the square and the resounding musical works will remind us of our roots and allow us to be proud of the unity of the nation.
In the afternoon, from 1 p.m., the History Museum of Šiauliai "Aušra" Museum will host a commemoration of the Day of the Restoration of Lithuanian Independence and the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Šiauliai "Aušra" Museum. Šiauliai residents and guests are invited to listen to Jonas Tručinskas, the first chairman of the Šiauliai City Municipality Council in the restored independent Lithuania, thoughts about March 11 35 years ago and today, and a musical program by Arnoldas Jalianiauskas, an actor of the Šiauliai State Drama Theatre.
From 2 p.m., you can enjoy the charm of classical music at a concert held at the Šiauliai City Concert Hall “Saulė”. Lithuania will be greeted and the most beautiful works will be performed by the Šiauliai Boys and Youth Choir “Dagilėlis” (artistic director R. Adomaitis), Šiauliai State Chamber Choir “Polifonija” (artistic director L. Balandis), the Lithuanian National Philharmonic Chamber Ensemble “Musica humana” (artistic director R. Beinaris), soloists Ieva Prudnikovaitė (mezzo-soprano), Dovilė Kazonaitė (soprano). The conductor of the event is Remigijus Adomaitis, the concert host is Jūratė Levickaitė.
The festive evening will be crowned by the event “Freedom Code – 35” organized by the Šiauliai Cultural Center, which will take place at the Resurrection Square. There, from 7 p.m., a theatrical program of the Restoration of Lithuanian Independence Day will be presented to the people of Šiauliai by the group “BIX”, the Šiauliai Wind Orchestra (artistic director S. Vaičiulionis, conductor G. Brūzga), the Šiauliai Cultural Center Chamber Choir “Atžalynas” (artistic director M. Žalalis), the Šiauliai Cultural Center Amateur Theater “Durys” (artistic director V. Dargis), the Šiauliai Arts School Children and Youth Theater Studio “Kompanija šauni” (teachers D. Dargienė, V. Dargis), the dance school “Extreme” (director D. Marcinkus), the Šiauliai Technology Training Center dance group “X-TEAM” (director I. Dunauskienė). The event is directed by Eglė Miškinytė. It is hoped that the impressive evening event will interest both young and old people, thus reminding them that our freedom is what we ourselves are.
Lithuanian Independence Day will be celebrated by participating in various concerts and excursions. The branches of the Šiauliai “Aušros” Museum will welcome visitors free of charge. New exhibitions will be opened in the Šiauliai Art Gallery and the Šiauliai City Cultural Center “Laiptų galerija”.
The full program of events can be found on the websites of the Šiauliai City Municipality ( and the Šiauliai Cultural Center (
Photo by Liubov Yarmoshenko and Rolandas Parafinavičius
Information is provided by Edita Smindriūnaitė, Deputy Head of the Event Organization Department of the Šiauliai Cultural Center, mob. +370 656 13 886, e. p.
Juridinių asmenų registras,
kodas 302296711
Aušros al. 31, LT-76300 Šiauliai
Tel. +370 655 255 18
El. p.
I–IV 8.00–17.00 val., V 8.00–15.45 val.
Pietų pertrauka 12.00–12.45
Kasos darbo laikas: I–V 9.00–18 val.
VI–VII 1 val. prieš renginį.
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